Senin, 28 April 2008

Belajar Bahasa Indonesia (Learning Indonesian Language) Part 6

Present, Past, and Future tense

Simpler than you think. Just put:

  tengah (formal)                                                                                                                       
                                         present, simple present, perfect present, continuous, etc.         
  sedang (informal)                                                                                                                    
  telah (formal)                                                                                                                         
                                       past, simple past, past participle, etc.                                               
  sudah (informal)                                                                                                                     
  akan                            future, conditional, etc.                                                                      

The subject, the verb, the nouns, the adjectives, and the adverbs do not change their forms.

Indonesian has two ways to form a negative sentence. We use the words tidak and bukan. The word bukan is to form a negative sentence such as denial about something, then follow the clause with an explanation using the word melainkan (but).

Buku itu tidak bagus.
That book is not good.

Saya tidak tahu.
I don’t know.

Buku itu bukan hitam, melainkan hijau.
That book is not black, but (it is) green.

Saya bukan dokter, melainkan reporter.
I am not a doctor, but (I am) a reporter.

Di                          in, on, at
Di atas                 up, upon, on, onto, over, above   
Di bawah             down, under, below 
Di depan             in front of
Di belakang        behind   
Di samping         beside
Di dalam             in, into, inside      
Di luar                out, outside
Di antara           between

Ke                      to
Ke atas              upwards       
Ke bawah         downwards          
Ke depan          forwards, towards      
Ke belakang     backwards       
Ke samping      aside      
Ke dalam          inside   
Ke luar              outside

Dari                    from
Dari dalam       from inside
Dari luar           from outside

Kue itu di atas meja
The cake is on the table

Saya di sekolah
I am at school

Saya pergi ke sekolah
I go to school

Saya pindah ke depan
I move towards

Saya dari kedai kopi
I am from the coffee shop

(I just from the coffee shop)
(I just back from the coffee shop)

 Comparative and Superlative

Just add:

lebih for comparative

paling or ter- for superlative

big                  besar
bigger            lebih besar
biggest           paling bersar/terbesar

small             kecil
smaller        lebih kecil
smallest      paling kecil/terkecil

Botol ini lebih besar daripada itu
This bottle is bigger than that

Bola ini lebih kecil daripada itu
This ball is smaller than that

Ini adalah botol terkecil / paling kecil
This is the smallest bottle

Itu adalah ball terbesar / paling besar
That is the biggest ball

Daripada means ‘than’. It can also means ‘instead of’

Saya lebih muda daripada kamu
I am younger than you

Dia akan bermain piano daripada bernyanyi
He will play the piano instead of singing

Useful words

at, in, on                                       di -- we’ll learn further about this :D

to                                                 ke (closed e)

from                                           dari

for                                               untuk

that, which                                yang

(similar to Italian che)             yang

now                                           sekarang (closed e)

before                                       sebelum (closed e)

after                                          sesudah (closed e)

very                                         sangat (before the word)

very                                         sekali (after the word))

until                                          sampai (places)

until                                         hingga

because                                  karena, sebab

will (going to)                        akan

have (avere)                          sudah

not yet                                     belum

is spite of/despite                  walaupun (formal), walau (informal)

If                                        jika, bila, seandainya, andaikan, andai (formal), kalau (informal)

only, just                           hanya (before the word)

only, just                           saja (after the word)

with, by                           dengan (closed e)

Saya sangat senang
I am very happy

Kamu cantik sekali / Kamu sangat cantik
You are very beautiful

Kamu tampan sekali / Kamu sangat tampan
You are very handsome

Saya sudah sarapan
I have had breakfast

Saya belum sarapan
I have not had breakfast yet

Jika Anda merasa kesulitan, saya siap membantu Anda
If you feel any difficulties, I am ready to help you

Kalau kamu mau, aku akan ke rumahmu besok
If you want, I will come to your house tomorrow

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