Kamis, 24 April 2008

Indonesian Language

Part 5

How to say here, there:

sini                                              sana

here                                             sana

di sini                                         di sana

in here, at here                       in there, at there

ke sini                                         ke sana

to here                                        to there

Possesive Pronouns

My                          .... saya (formal)
                                -ku (informal)

Your                      .... Anda (formal)
                               -mu (informal)

Her, his, its          -nya     

Pacarmu adalah teman sekolahku
Your girlfriend/boyfriend is my schoolmate

Boleh saya beritahu kamu rahasianya?
May I tell you her/his secret?

Sebenarnya dia adalah tunangan saya
Actually he/she is my fiance/e


-nya can also define a noun (definite article). Example:

Radionya menyala

The radio is turned on

Aku membawa bukunya

I bring the book

Our           ... kami, ... kita

Your         ... kalian

Their       ... mereka

Mari kita mulai pelajaran kita
Let us start our lesson

Tutup mata kalian.. tarik nafas..
Close your eyes.. take a breath..

Dengarkan suara mereka..
Listen to their voice..

Mine                     Milik saya, milikku, punya saya (formal)

                               Punyaku (informal)

Yours                   Milik Anda, milikmu (formal)

                                Punyamu (informal)

Hers, his, its     Miliknya (formal)

                                Punyanya (informal)

Jangan sentuh! Buku itu milik saya
Don’t touch! That book is mine

Dan ini milik Anda
And this is yours

Maaf, tapi buku yang Anda pegang itu miliknya
Sorry, but the book you’re holding is hers

Ours                 Milik kami, milik kita (formal)   

                           Punya kami, punya kita (informal)

Yours              Milik Anda, milik kalian (formal)
                          Punya kalian (informal)

Theirs            Milik mereka (formal)     

                         Punya mereka (informal)

Mobil ini milik kita
This car is ours

Dua mobil itu milik kalian
Those two cars are yours

Dan yang baru itu milik mereka
And that new one is theirs

Source: Indo-European Languages

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