Rabu, 30 April 2008

Learning Indonesian Language Part 9

Now it’s time to get serious. I will give some examples about the conjugation with prefixes, suffixes, and circumfixes.


word             me                 ber              di                ter               pe          per         memper   se
Tulis            Menulis              -             Ditulis        Tertulis      Penulis          -                 -              -

(to write)  (write)                             (written)      (written)    (writer)

Jalan            -                     Berjalan    -                        -           pejalan          -                  -               -

(to walk)      -                      (to walk)   -                                   walker

Baca           Membaca         -              Dibaca        Terbaca     Pembaca        -                     -             -

(to read)    ( read)                              ( read)          (read)          (reader)

The table that I left does not mean that the words do not exist; they just don’t make sense, or they need a suffix.

The prefix ‘memper-’ has two function:

1. if it is followed by an adjective, it is to make something to be.. (the adjective).

2. if it is followed by a verb, it is to do something to other person, to make other person.. (the verb)

There is a confusion between the prefix ‘pe’ and ‘per’.

- ‘pe’ shows the person who does the verb, while

- ‘per’ shows the person who has a profession as the verb.

‘se’ means one. You can see how it works on the numbering section

Prefixes,  suffixes, and circumfixes

Prefix                        Circumfix                 Suffix                         Prefix and suffix
me-                                   -em-                        -an                                 me-kan
ber-                                                                    -kan                              me-i
di-                                                                       -i                                  memper-i
ter-                                                                     -wan                             memper-kan
pe-                                                                      -man                             pe-an
per-                                                                     -lah                              per-an
memper-                                                                                                 ber-an
se-                                                                                                            se-nya

Prefixes >> prefixes are always closed e
me-       to make an actives entence, to make something change, and needs an objec
              (watch how the letter changes before the first word of the infinitive)

mengambil                  me+ambil                                  to take
membuat                     me+buat                                    to make, to create
mencari                        me+cari                                     to search, to look for
mendengar                  me+dengar                                to hear, to listen to
mengevakuasi             me+evakuasi                            to evacuate
mengganti                    me+ganti                                   to change
menghilang                  me+hilang                                 to disappeared
mengisi                         me+isi                                        to fill in
menjual                         me+jual                                     to sell
mengira                         me+kira                                   to guess
melihat                         me+lihat                                    to see
memasak                      me+masak                                to cook
mengoperasi                 me+operasi                             to do an operation (surgery)
memindah                      me+pindah                             to move (stuff)
merasa                            me+rasa                                  to feel
menyapu                        me+sapu                                 to sweep
menulis                             me+tulis                                to write
mengulang                       me+ulang                               to repeat

Saya mengambil baju-baju saya                           I take my clothes

Kamu membuat lukisan                                         You make a painting (you paint/you are painting)

Saya mencari teman saya                                      I look for my friend     

Saya mendengar sesuatu                                      I hear something

Kamu mengisi gelas itu dengan air                      You fill the glass with water

Ayah menjual mobilnya                                        Father sells his car

Kamu melihatku?                                                  Do you see me?

Saya memindah weblog saya                                I move my weblog  

Saya merasa capai / lelah                                      I feel tired

Dia menyapu lantai                                                She/he sweeps the floor

Kamu menulis sebuah lagu                                    You write a song

ber-           to make an active sentence that does not have to followed by an object

Berangkat                       Ber + angkat                       To have a departure    

Berbahasa                       Ber + bahasa                       To have an ability to speak a/some language/s

Bercinta                           Ber + cinta                          To have sex

Berdansa                          Ber + dansa                         To have a dance   

Berguru                            Ber + guru                            To have a study

Berhitung                         Ber + hitung                         To have count

Berjanji                            Ber + janji                              To have a promise  

Bermain                          Ber + main                             To have a play

Berpura-pura                 Ber + pura-pura                   To have a pretend

Bersantai                         Ber + santai                           To have a relax

Bertaruh                          Ber + taruh                            To have a bet

Berubah                           Ber + ubah                             To have a change

Bervariasi                        Ber + variasi                          To have a variation

Berzina                             Ber + zina                               To have an affair, a prostitution

source: indo-european languages

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